Hi there,
Well where can I start, firstly I survived, just ! Secondly I am in so much pain in muscles I never knew I had I fear I may have to stop writing this blog so I can lay down and just cry.
A full hours work out with the PT is to blame and she must be the only lovely evil person I know. She really pushed me yesterday, to the point of me actually groaning doing squats, I know, how embarrassing. I did not only end up with jelly legs but jelly arms yesterday too. If a cop had seen me walking to my car he would have arrested me on the spot for being drunk and trying to drive - err no officer I can't walk straight because of my PT and she should be arrested for trying to kill me !
I did some weights which made my muscles involuntarily spasm, and the weirdest thing of all is I can't feel them doing it I can just see it, so the stuff she gave me to do was hard, i.e. two lots of reps and heavier weights. But the one thing that was the worst (even more than the squats) was having to sit on a mat on my coccyx lift my legs up and hold, not hold on just hold until she says stop, and then to make matters worse I have to do it twice. I'm not a religious person, but did I pray that it would end. I cannot believe people do this for enjoyment, and apparently I will too.....eventually - I'm not feeling that at the moment, all I'm feeling is sore, stiff and tired.
Granted the hour went quickly and I didn't give up on anything she asked me to do, although I must confess she wanted me to do 7 minutes on the elliptical and could only manage 5 1/2 because if I had been on for any longer I think I would have had a heart attack, but is was the PT who said that it was enough not me.
I'm quite proud at what I achieved yesterday, and with only 3 more sessions with the PT left I'm beginning to get a little apprehensive as to how far I will push myself when it comes to doing it on my own. I guess I've just got to as they say 'suck it up', and 'knuckle under' because if I don't I won't achieve my goal, and I HAVE to, I want the mirror to be my friend again, I want the 90% of my closet to fit me again - and most of all next summer I want to wear shorts and bathing suit.
So I'm going to keep going, break through the pain barrier, 'power on through', and remember to remove my mascara for next time I go as the Alice Cooper look yesterday was just hilarious, especially as no one pointed it out to me, and I had to find out for myself when I looked in the mirror in the car (I was actually checking out how beetroot I was) only to discover I was tipped to be the new face of Goth Monthly.
I'm going to sign off now because I need to rest (well do the ironing actually)
Love Fatty
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